Friday, January 30, 2009

6 books down

So I finished book #6 tonight, Nightseer by Laurell K Hamilton. This was her first novel and I must say I found it to be pretty good. I enjoyed reading a straight-up fantasy novel (quite the departure from her typical sex romp vamp books, the Anita Blake series). There was a brief time near the middle that I was getting bored with it. Just lots of battle scenes and I was thinking...OK, fight fight fight, close call, fight fight fight....can we move on? This is really a common complaint for me with some action novels. But I stuck with it and I was quite pleased.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


of my way through the 52 books! I've read 5 so far. So, number 4 is:

I am truly a sucker for a good romance novel and this book is a collection of 2 short stories and a novella. I loved it....Yes, I'm a sap.
#5 was another Nora Roberts/JD Robb novella as well as 3 other novellas combining my love for romance with my love for sci-fi and fantasy!! The Laurell K. Hamilton one was the novella/early version of the Anita Blake book, Narcissus in Chains, so that was interesting because I got to see some of the changes made between this short form and the full-version that I had already read.

I have not decided on what to start next. I have a nice little stash, so I'll probably just close my eyes and point.

Friday, January 16, 2009

3 books down...

So I finished Danse Macabre AND the book after that one in the series, The Harlequin.

While I don't think these are as good as the early books, I certainly enjoyed them and devoured them at the same rate! I was disappointed that in Danse Macabre there was no 'police work' for Anita, but The Harlequin has a little of that. Also The Harlequin brought back Edward, one of my favorite characters! Overall, not bad reads!
I went on to read a very heartwarming book I got as a Christmas gift, Invitation to Provence, by Elizabeth Adler. This was a very easy heartwarming read. It was a nice breath of fresh air after all my suspense and vampire filled Anita Blake novels!! This is definitely a book that makes you long for and appreciate the simple things in life! Very good read!!
So what's next? I haven't totally decided, so it will be a surprise! Stay tuned to find out!!