Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The journey starts!

I love to read. I always have. In fact in elementary school I won a read-a-thon contest and still have my prize medals!! Oh, the joy!

I'm a geek and proud of it. I love books and everything about them. I love the smell of library and bookstores and often 'get lost' and spend hours wandering in them. I am now lucky to have an hour commute to and from work everyday. Why lucky?? Because I take a train and can READ! It is wonderful ME time built into my day!! As a result, my reading definitely increased this year. I read 35 books after I started counting around June!

So, when the members of Ravelry came up with the idea to start a "52 books in 52 weeks" challenge, I knew I could do this!! So, here we go!!
First on my list is Danse Macabre by Laurell K. Hamilton. This book is pretty far into the Anita Blake vampire hunter series. This series gets mixed reviews because it started out as a purely fantasy type series (it reminded me a lot of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, but a little more of a 'chick' version) but later crossed into more and more explicit sex scenes. A lot of people are totally turned off by it. I don't really mind so much because, while it does get wild and crazy, it is worked into the story and there are consequences to the characters. So, while the nature of the books changed, I remain nearly just as hooked as I was in the beginning. I am just starting this one, so we'll see if it lives us to the rest.